EconomEtica’s activities range across the following areas:
• Institutionalising the inclusion on academic curricula of courses in Economic Ethics and CSR by
- defining standard syllabuses and methods for the teaching of economic ethics, business ethics, professional ethics and CSR at the various levels of academic, business and professional education (undergraduate, postgraduate master and doctoral programs, executive training);
- planning post-degree andmanagement training programs on corporate social responsibility offered through inter-university cooperation
• Promoting and conducting basic and applied researchprojects at national and international level, and discussing their results with workshops, conferences and publications on the following subjects in particular:
interdisciplinary relationships among economics, ethics as a philosophical subject,social and management sciences, and the law, with principal regard to social justice and fairness criteria for individual and collectivechoices, non-self-interested motives for economic behaviour, and the function of ethical norms in providing cognitive support for decision-making by economic agents with bounded rationality.
theoretical and behavioural models of the economic reasons for ethical self-regulation, with special regard to explanations based on reputation effects orthe complexity of (both self-interested and non self-interested) economic motivations and preferences.
corporate ethical self-regulation, its potential and its limits, and the role of intermediate social bodies in relation to new models of public regulation, and to self-regulation;
study of the application of ethical methods to economic analysis and the legal design of economic organisations, and particularly the definition of ‘extended’ models of corporate governance comprising corporate social responsibility.
alternative forms of firm organization (for-profit, non-profit, cooperatives, etc.) with regard to their comparative advantages in promoting CSR and stakeholder fiduciary relationships.
• Disseminatingknowledge and promoting the implementation of CSR management systems and tools among companies, public and private organisations, and institutions:
Workshop: collecting, studying, comparing and evaluating voluntary initiatives (among others, Q-RES, GBS, CSR-SC, the Sigma Project, AccountAbility1000, VMS) in the elaboration of CSR management standards and tools (mission, corporate ethical vision, values charter, ethical codes, ethical training, social reporting, social balanced scorecard, personnel incentives, and motivation mechanisms, etc.) in order to contribute to the development of a common European framework for CSR, also by assisting experimental pilot projects at company level;
Multi-stakeholder forum: providing a forum for social dialogue between corporate representatives and their stakeholders, enabling them to share and gain consensus on principles, methods, rules, and CSR management standards, and moreover defining methods and indicators for the monitoring and verification of the implementation of CSR management standards.
Observatory: collecting data on CSR best practices by companies and organisations in diverse industries and sectors, monitoringtheir adoption ofCSR management systems and their conformity to recognized models and standards, evaluating the impact of these CSR practices on the accumulation of ‘social capital’ and their consequences for sustainable economic development .
The EconomEtica staff engages in research projects and programs conducive to the implementation of the Centre’s goals and fosters scientific cooperation among the research units located at the universities constituting the Centre. It publishes working papers, organizes seminars and conferences on the Centre’s research results, and holds public debates and forums for all interested parties.